Recently Added ICO, IDO, IEOs

ErosBook (EROS)

ErosBook is a next generation escort platform that allows real clients to quickly connect with trusted agents and independent e...

Social-Service (SSE)

We are presenting a socially oriented project that is extremely important for the development of our society and improving the ...
2.33 /5

TamaDoge (TAMA)

Tamadoge is the central currency of the Tamaverse and allows you to create, breed, care for and fight your Tamadoge pets.
3.00 /5

NavC Token (NAVC)

NavC- A utility token of NavExM Exchange. All transactions are routed through the NavExM Exchange Engine. NavExM ensures that a...

WeSendit (WSI)

We protect your privacy with decentralized solutions for file sharing and cloud storage networks. The most successful companies...

Bind.Com (BIND)

Bind aims to provide a variety of crypto and banking solutions in one easy to use and low cost application. Bind aims to make t...

Recently Added Blockchain and Crypto Events

Blockchain Economy Dubai Summit

Blockchain Economy Dubai Summit is the world's largest blockchain conference network, bringing together key players and experts...

Blockchain Expo World

Istanbul Expo Center will host Turkey's first Blockchain technologies fair on 22-25 December 2022. All actors operating in the ...

Istanbul Blockchain Week

The inaugural iteration of Istanbul Blockchain Week promises to be the most anticipated blockchain event of 2022, with the week...

Cryptocurrency World Expo

Cryptocurrency World Fair, one of the biggest events of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, will be held in Istanbul on 1-2 Septembe...

Welcome to ICO Analysis Site

Analysis of ICOs, IDOs and IEOs

ICO Analysis compares the ratings of other ico, ido, ieo analysis sites and conducts its own research. It helps traders save a significant amount of time when searching for a profitable deal. As our goal is to provide reliable and up-to-date information about every single Blockchaincompany in the industry, we are constantly updating the database of top rated crypto projects.

ICO Analysis is an analytical service that conducts free systematic research and evaluation of blockchain startups and cryptostartups. ICO Analysis was built as a knowledge repository to hold all the necessary information for investors who want to participate in the emerging economy. While listing the projects in our database, we consider certain factors and try to eliminate wrong investment decisions with constantly updated useful lists.

Our mission is to spot crypto projects early and allow you to invest in the best.

Identifying the Best Consultants and Team Members

At the same time, ICO Analysis aims to identify people who work in projects and/or have consultants, to collect information about them and to present this information to users in summary. In this way, we try to identify the best projects and present a summary of which projects they have worked on before.

Crypto Events

The other task of the ICO Analysis site is to inform its users about crypto events happening around the world.


All information presented or linked on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment, legal or financial advice. Therefore, we recommend that you seek independent advice from a licensed professional. Please do your research before investing in an ICO, DAICO, ETO, STO, IDO or IEO. Considering the risk of losing after your research, invest the amount you can lose.