Miguel Angel Santos

Account Status:
Languages Spoken
Joint AREVIC Investment
About Us

Miguel Angel Santos;

Throughout my professional life, I have been on both sides as an investor and entrepreneur, with very different results in each project, but it is always very enriching and fun.
I have been involved in projects in a wide variety of industries such as Retail, Mass Consumption, Shopping Malls, Promotion and construction, and more recently the Internet. I had an excellent team in all of them.
I am now re-starting my scene as an investor, trying to apply everything I’ve learned as an entrepreneur.

Participated Projects
Seacoast logo
SeaCoast COAST
SeaCoast integrates ShoreView, PortView, and PaperBoat into a single platform that expands the digital experience by adding a space for information sharing and encouraging participation by all parties...
13 July 2022
27 August 2022