Toni Oliver

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CTO at OK Mobility Group
About Us

Toni Oliver;

Creativity is key when mediating between client and provider, or between executives and executive teams within the same company. With the agreed goal always in mind, any new idea that can contribute to its success will be welcomed. My task is to give a way out when it seems like nothing is happening, and reassess the situation when discomfort arises.
I support the commitment of teams to improve communication: more top-down detail and more bottom-up flexibility. My aim is just to rank the business goals according to the profit expectation and to define the needs in a way that can reach the technical team. Next, I try to leverage technology, with or without change, to achieve the agreed goal as soon as possible by one or the other alternative means, without ignoring the risks that must be accepted.

Participated Projects
Seacoast logo
SeaCoast COAST
SeaCoast integrates ShoreView, PortView, and PaperBoat into a single platform that expands the digital experience by adding a space for information sharing and encouraging participation by all parties...
13 July 2022
27 August 2022